Sunday, October 20, 2013

Cook with Ken: 西兰花蘑菇肥猪肉北海道干贝麻油饭 Broccoli + Mushroom+ Pork Belly + Hokkaido Scallop Sesame (Clay-pot) Rice

Date:  Oct 20, 2013

Once you learned the technique of cooking this so called clay-pot rice using a rice cooker, you can almost experiment with it using different ingredient.

Today, I cooked this for Jay & Kay.  And as always, my faithful supporter, they love it.

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Especially Kay Kay… One big plate and he finished it.

IMG 9830 

Of course, Jay Jay likes it too.  He ate a big plate too.  Plus a special Ceasars Salad I did for him.

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OK.  To learn the basic principal of cooking this dish, please review the following pages.  HaHaHa… They have detailed ways of showing how to cook it simply using a rice cooker.  Every one has a rice cooker.  Not everyone has a clay pot.  But you can use rice cooker to cook like a clay pot rice.  :)  Tip:  Buy a clay pot just to put the rice on it.  :)  HaHaHa…  Nobody will every know you using rice cooker to cook those.  HaHaHaHa...

After you review the steps, scroll down to very bottom to see the ingredients used to cook this.

Even my domestic helper know how to cook it nice.  HaHaHaHa

Revision #1.  Lap Cheong Chicken Rice.


Revision #2.  Normal Chicken Rice.


Revision #3.  Scallop Chinese Sausages Rice.



Now, the main ingredients for cooking today's rice.

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1.  Mini Belly.  Get it from Cold Storage or NTUC.  $3.16 nia.  

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2.  Cut the mini belly into small cubes.  Uses the following 3 sauces to marinate.

(Japanese Seaweed Soya Sauce)

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(Black Sesami Oil)

IMG 9801

(Sea Salt - I used Okinawa Sea Salt from Medi-ya)

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3.  Let it marinate for 15 minutes.

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4.  Dice some Onion.  (Japanese Organic Onions from Medi-Ya)

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5.  Japanese Pearl Rice or Taiwanese Pearl Rice.  Soak in water for 20 minutes.

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6.  Japanese Mushroom.

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Wash and Slice it.

IMG 9810

7.  Hokkaido Grilled Scallops.

IMG 9806

Looks like this. 

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From Meidi-Ya.  S$3.90 nia.  Called Hotate Yaki Kaihimo.

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Soak in hot water for 10 min.

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8.  Cut a few Broccoli.  wash it.

Cooking Instruction.

a.  Heat wok.

b.  Wok hot, pour in Black Sesami Oil.  (enough to fry the onions) (not normal Oil).

c.  Oil hot.  Slow fry the onions.  until a bit brown.  about 2min.

d.  put in Pork Belly.  stir fry until meat turn white.  about 1min.

e.  put in mushroom & scallop.  Stir fry for 30 seconds.

f.  put in the rice (without water).  Stir fry for 1min.  

g.  Put some oyster sauce.  for darker color, can use dark soya sauce.

h.  turn off fire.  Put all content into the rice cooker pot.

i.  pur in water slowly.  Until water bearly cover your finger.  (just like normal cooking).

j.  then, put in the broccoli.  

k.  Cover it and press COOK RICE.

l.  Wait for rice cooked (the switch jumped).  Then, stir it with spatula.  And close the cover and let the rice cooker to further warm it for 5-10 minutes.

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m.  Then, it is done!  (The following picture is after we ate 4 plates and whatever left over).  hahaha

IMG 9825

Very nice oil rice.  sesame oil rice.  :)

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