Sunday, July 21, 2013

Kay - About Learning

Date:  July 21, 2013

Mommy is travelling to US again.  so, I will be taking care of Jay and Kay for a week.  :)

So, let's try some new things while Mommy is not around.  HaHaHa

Kay Kay is learning Sight Words in school.  So, I bought a Sight Words book for Kay Kay to try out from Popular Bookstore.  The books comes with flash cards.  So, each lesson, you get to learn 4 new sight words. 

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Some how Kay Kay is very good in his Chinese, but not his English, although his native language seems to be English.  All the Chinese Flash Cards he is very confidently recognising all the words.  But some how not the English words.  So, we need to find some innovative way to teach.

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This is one way you can do it. 

Kay, can you land the airplane on the "He" airport?  

And he has to put the plane on the word "He". 

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He already learned the first set of 4 words.  

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The book teach extra words such as "Ball" & "Boy".

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He was having some problem in recognising the words "The" & "Is".  I am not sure why, but some how, he has a mental block in learning this two words.

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I think we need to find a way to teach him "The" & "Is".

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So, at night time, I told them.  

1)  They can play iPad while I take my shower ONLY if Kay Kay learned those two words.

2)  Jay Jay have to teach Kay Kay those two words using the Flash card.

I guess is the magic of iPad.  They have not lay their fingers on iPads for almost 2 weeks.

So, Jay Jay was using the flash cards to find ways to teach him.

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20 minutes later.

I came back to the kids room, and wanted to keep the iPad.  I tested Kay on the words he cannot pronounce.  And he did correctly pronounce the words.  Hmmm… this should be the power of iPad.

Another few things that I have changed.

a)  Mommy is travelling.  So, I told them, coming into my room at night will not find Mommy.  So, useless to do so.

b)  I am not Mommy, and I am not going to sleep with them.  So, after I read the story book, I will turn off lights and walk out the room, and they have to go sleep mode.

c)  Daddy have to watch golf game - The Majors - Tiger Woods is playing.. 

I actually have done that yesterday, and today is the 2nd time I am doing it.  And they did fall asleep by themselves in the room.

Of course, after I read them this story.  This is a must have.

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I am proud that my son under daddy care, can sleep by themselves.  :)  You sure try it too.  (Disclaimer:  It does not work when mommy is around!)

What else is new while mommy not around?

i)  Kay Kay is eating.  He eats the fried prawns (three of them) and my Unaju rice.

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ii)  Kay Kay is eating meat.  (sausages).

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1 comment:

  1. Hey Ken - can you show me the book you bought from Popular with the flash cards? I was also looking for one - sight words with flash cards. thanks. reshma
