Sunday, April 17, 2011

Attending Church Wedding

Date:  April 16, 2011

Finally, Charlotte is married.  The wedding was held at a church.


I think this is the first time where Jay Jay attending a church wedding (besides the last one when Albert got married, he was still very young back then to understand the whole process) and asked what this, why like that, etc.


That is why he is so happy.  And as for the young one, he still young, drinking his milk.


Yes Jay, this is a wedding car.  It looks nice, and you need to put flowers on the wedding car, so that every one knows that you are getting married today by driving the wedding car.


Yes, and you have to go thru the process of chasing after a girl.  Like this cute Danielle (Constance's daughter).  Its a long process, and I think you guys get the idea.


Choosing a right girl can be hard.  But it is all 缘份.  Don't understand it, never mind, you are still young.  See this rabbit gal Kitlyn (James & Jasmine's daughter).  So cute... but who knows 20 years later, she is even cuter?


Some girl really tries hard.  Like this one, Mel, who is still single, and she is now investing time to try to win Kay's heart.


See... "Auntie" Mel start to 抛媚眼.


Whatever it is, I certainly hope the two brothers does not fall in love with the same gal.  So, I think we have to teach them from young... hahahaha


Just remember, daddy will always be there for you.


Congrats again to Charlotte and David.  And 早生贵子!

Really, having kids is really fun!



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