Friday, April 22, 2011

Beijing Day #2 Lunch - 北京大董烤鸭店

Date: April 20, 2011

My friends from CinaGoods.Com wanted to treat me lunch.  So, they wanted to go 全聚德.  Then, I asked the taxi driver, to see what is his opinion.  Taxi driver commented that 全聚德 is very expensive and quality drop and not so nice anymore.  So, we asked taxi driver to drive us to the one that he thinks is best in Beijing.


so, we came to this 北京大董烤鸭店.  Looks very decent from both inside and outside.  And their specialty is roasted duck and roasted sea cucumber.

The menu is also very nice.  So, can't help it, I started to order the food...


鹅肝 which I thought is like Foie gras (Goose Liver).  I was wrong.  May be it was the french music they played in the restaurant confused me.  HaHaHa... Its a bit dry, but not too bad.


This is the small appetizer.  Chinese Cabbage.  I don't like this either.


The 梅菜竹笋 is quite tasty.  Bamboo Shoots.  All the good food start to come out.


Vege.  Look at those small carrots.  Very tasty too.


Our roasted duck is finally here.


The usual wrapper for the duck skin.  Yummy.  Look at the duck, it is very pretty, and we got 3 plates of it.  This is one of the three ways to eat.  Second method is to dip the duck meat into the sugar and eat.


And this is the third way of eating the Peking Duck.  This 空心烧饼 is for you to wrap the vege and Peking Duck inside.  Look at the skin is so thin, and it is very crispy too.


And after you wrap the duck, vege and the super tasty sauce, you put this in your mouth and guarantee you want soe more.


The other famous dish and very tasty dish - Roasted Sea Cucumbers.  Top grade.

I think I ordered too much.


Look at the food on the table for only 3 person...


This is the bun that is hollow inside and very thin skin.  When you wrap the duck inside, taste very good.


The clear duck soup.


Guess who was here?  President Nathan.


The roasted duck is roasted with the real wood fire...


The restaurant located here...

Strongly recommend!!




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