Monday, May 6, 2013

A Black Magic

Date:  May 6, 2013

It is the darkest moment of all.


On Facebook, lots of my friends has changed their profile picture into this black colour square or rectangular.


Why we do so?  Because, this marks the death of democracy.  

What is the use if yesterday Malaysians has break records have the highest turn out in the election polls?  Where there are Instant Citizens flew in every where to vote.  


We are sad that these Instant Citizens, also known as Phantoms voters has made an even bigger history, by deciding our country future.  We cannot blame them, because some of them cry when got caught.  They came to this nation for a living, and some of them were forced to be given the rumoured instant IC and they were told to vote for the correct party.



Don't you think it is strange that every polling stations got photos and pictures of phantoms voters, and yet no official bodies takes note of it?  No media has reported on it and try to get a verifications of it.


During vote counting times, all indications are pointing to a winning victory, and suddenly, Tenaga has to cut off the electricity at this precise moment.  And Mysterious ballot boxes came out from no where.  And then, don't you find it strange that the mysterious boxes votes are all voted for a single party???


5pm voting stopped.  Every one should know how many boxes of ballot boxes are there.  How can mysterious boxes appeared and the official agreed to it, and then, the leading position becomes losing by a small margin?  It is too close a call, and how this happen at all?


Why votes counting are not done in CCTV area?  There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.  Check back the video, we should be able to see what is going on.  


I don't know what to say.  I am speechless.  


But sorry, our oppositions thought getting all voters out can win, but they are wrong.  We really don't know how many phantoms are out there.  On top of that, we really don't know how many mysterious ballot boxes are there.  All these are Magic.  A magic that kills the democracy of a country.  


So, the only right thing to do is to blank the profile picture.  Morn for the moment.  And after we get over it… Live is as per normal.  Live must go on.  And we live for another 5 years to see what is next.

Enjoys all the photo above.  Well, there is nothing to see.  Only thing is to use the heart to hear it.  To feel it.  To feel the anger of Millions of Malaysians.  

Happy Black-Profile-Picture Day!

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