Saturday, January 19, 2013

Claire's Birthday Party

Date:  Jan 19, 2013

Today is Claire's birthday.

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There are two things that we are going to remember about Claire's 7th years old birthday.

1.  First thing, is this fabulous water float.  Claire's daddy has rented it for few hours.  

Unfortunately, it was raining and drizzling since yesterday until today.  There was no sun.  So, we thought the kids won't be swimming today.  But, when we arrived at Claire's house and saw this fabulous water float thingy floating in the swimming pool… The float is like having some magic power and screaming to us "come here… come here…"

So, I told myself, that I need to go back home and bring Jay and Kay's swimming gears.  So, I went back and get the swimming suits.


And of course, I did the right thing.  Jay was so happy that he could join his friends in the water.  The sky is still drizzling at that time, but surprisingly, the water is warm.  So, I also jump into the pool and become a temp life guard.  :)


Jay Jay was having so much fun!  And he can jump up and down on the float itself.


There is a small slide at the end too.


And the kids just go round and round playing on the float itself.

Jay's comment is "很好玩!"


All his friends are enjoying this too.  We were so lucky that it is only a light drizzling at that time, and the water is very warm.


Justin is very happy too playing in the pool.


Here comes Aiden.


Royston looks very fit.  Like a small swimmer (小飞鱼).


Mommy and daddy bringing the kids down.


2.  The second thing to remember is… Ramli Burger.  What?  In Singapore?

Yes.  The Ramli burger from Malaysia now available in Singapore.  That is sure my favourite.

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The Mee Soto is very nice too.  For those who is interested on getting Mr. Ramle to do a catering where he and his daughter cook in your home… Here is his contact… Oh ya… the Otak is very nice too.

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Here is what he can supply… 

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Here are the rest of the photos available on the facebook...

Here are some of the fun video of the kids playing on the float..





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