Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Day-Surgery Tomorrow ...

Date:  June 12, 2011


It was my first visit to a cardiologist for check up @ Mount Elizabeth last week.

A suspected narrowed blocked vessel has been identified.

Recommendation is to do a Angiogram so to be sure as I may inherit some heart problem from my family, i.e. dad and grandpa.

So, I have opt in for the Angiogram tomorrow.  Hope that all sort of problem can be identified clearly and fix it as early as possible.

It's been 10 years since I was diagnosed with high cholesterol and had medication since, and it's been 6 years that I have moderate high blood pressure symptoms.  Thank goodness, I have been staying quite healthy for the past 10 years.  Okay, almost die in the Tsunami @ Koh Phi-Phi there.. So, you are re-borned with different views of life after that.  :) When it is your time, you cannot avoid it.  So, you don't see me stop eating.  :)  But try to do as many deed as possible.  Be a good person always.

So, tomorrow will be my first hospital stay and first surgery (although is just a half day surgery...), yes, I had never gone into a hospital for any surgery before...  If I am lucky, will need to monitor every year.  If slightly not lucky, then, balloon needed to be installed.  Still a day surgery.  :)  No big deal.  :)

Some thoughts ....

1.  If you are slightly fat, and you don't do much exercise, I suggest you do full medical check up once a few years to check up.  Especially those who has some bad gene in the family.  :)  Don't wait.

2.  I know some of you saw me eating like that... but I can assure you, I also exercise quite often, as well as I drank the 5-Greens juice almost daily basis since 5 years ago... , i.e. Apple, Celery, Cucumber, Bitter gourd, green pepper.  I also drank Japanese vinegar on daily basis.  So, sort of compensated the bad cholesterol effect.  :)

3.  I think after tomorrow, I will tell you what is my new resolution of the year, and you may or may not see me eating so much un-healthy food in future.  :)  I will tell you after the surgery.

Cheers and wish me luck tomorrow.  :)

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