Date: Aug 26, 2012
Yes, we will remember to always let the kids choose what they want to learn. However, there are some thing, we as a parent, will think it is important, and those we will somehow force it through.
Of course, we explained to Jay Jay why I forced him to learn, for example Chinese Calligraphy 毛笔字.
I even brought all kinds of calligraphy brushes for him and prepare him to pick up this Chinese traditional training.
Of course, if he wanted to, or he is capable of using it, we can let him use the real brushes. I am not even sure if in Primary School they teach the kids Chinese Calligraphy or not. But I think it is important to learn how to write using it.
During the past few weeks, when I teach Jay Jay Chinese Spelling (Ting Xie, 听写), I noticed that Jay Jay did not handle the 点,竖勾,撇,捺,etc. He seems to lose the essence of writing Chinese word. The positioning of each 部首 is way out of line, like drawing like that. That is why I decided to train him to use Chinese Calligraphy to write those 听写.
The way how to write a Chinese Word is how you place your strength, how you start, and how you end with different strength. Then, your Chinese word will look nice.
That is precisely I wanted Jay to learn. And by focusing on the order of 笔画 to write a word, Jay can focus in memorising how to write the word properly.
Let's hope that Jay Jay can write good Chinese writing when he goes to Pei Tong.
加油!Jay Jay!
Your son is cute. My boy is using real brushes now. I let my him write on the "ink paper" tat can be reuse, more environment friendly. Can u contact me to exchange some tips 96633885