Saturday, January 8, 2011

Jay Jay in Full Day Class

Enroll your son or daughter to a full day pre-school class can be easy as it sounds.


Your son may looks happy on the first day, but please be careful and be sensible and try to understand his or her feelings on the 2nd and 3rd day.

Because changes from an afternoon half day class to a full day class is indeed a huge change for your child.  Always be mindful about their feelings on the first week, hold his/her hand on the first week, talk to him/her on the first week and slowly guide him/her back.

You can see that Jay was happy on the first day.  But on the third day, he started to show signs of sadness.  His tears drop finally on the third day when I sent him to school.  He was begging me "PaPa, can I sleep at home?"

So, it is time to do damage control.  Let the mommy do the job.  Bring him to school and observe the surroundings, and try to understand why his tears drop...

1.  Try bring him to school not so early, so that he can be seen as arriving at school together with all the children.  Then, him can talk talk talk to his friends.

2.  Try doing things differently, such as we Gel his hair.  Ask him look nice or not?  Then, he has a topic to talk about in school.  Everyday must find a good topic for him.

3.  He was sad to see the AM class grabbing their bags and go home.  He asked why he cannot go home?  So, talk to him on why and how?  Make him understand the reason.  A 4 year old kids is very different nowadays.

4.  Ask him what he wants to bring to school for his napping time?  And we found one, he is bringing his brother's blanket to school so to sleep better in class.

5.  Let him play at night, have much fun with his brother, Kay.  He miss his brother.  He used to spend the whole morning playing with him.

6.  The same goes to TV.  His favorite Playhouse Disney programs.  Record it down, during weekends, let him have all the time to watch it.

7.  Try create new things, buy new things and relates it all back to the changes he has gone thru.

8.  Understand his feelings, make him feels better, now, I think he finally survive the first week, let's see how it goes for second week.



I cannot imagine how Kay Kay will survive that in 2 months time if he does get a seats in the full day class.  Hahahaha

The full day class actually gives Jay a lot of exposure to a lot of things such as Drama & Speech Class, Chinese Class and he gets to play with his friends a lot more.  So, that is why we think it is a good idea to place him under the full day class.

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