Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Taiwan Vacation - 乐透 Lotto (Day 3 & Day 6)

Date:  Dec 9, 2013

When you are touring Taiwan, one of the things you could do is to blend into the culture and buy toto.

IMG 4467

It is 85 Millions.

IMG 4471

Uncle, you choose one for me, and the rest computer generate.

IMG 4466

Yeah!  I won 9th price.  Shawn hit 5th price.  And the tour guides also win about $400.

IMG 4468

All six vans stop opposite to buy lotto.

IMG 4469

So, we did that again.

IMG 5393

This time is 100Million.  And I got three tickets won 9-10th price.

IMG 5394

Are you sure it is so easy to win?

According to the tour guides, we are very lucky group of people and they were all surprise that we won a few tickets.

What a fun!

1 comment:

  1. assalamualaikum wr,wb
    AKI… saya Siti Di Arab Saudi
    mengucapkan banyak2 terima
    kasih kepada AKI WALI SONGO
    atas nomor togelnya yang
    kemarin AKI berikan yaitu
    "8839" alhamdulillah
    ternyata itu benar2 tembus
    AKI dan berkat bantuan
    AKI WALI SONGO saya bisa
    melunasi semua hutan2
    orang tua saya yang ada di
    BANK BRI dan bukan hanya
    itu AKI alhamdulillah
    sekarang saya sudah bisa
    bermodal sedikit untuk
    mencukupi kebutuhan
    keluarga saya sehari2.itu
    semua berkat bantuan AKI
    WALI SONGO sekali lagi
    makasih banyak yah AKI…
    yang ingin merubah nasib
    seperti saya hubungi AKI
    WALI SONGO di nomor
    0853-8257-2444 dijamin
    100% tembus atau silahkan
    buktikan sendiri
