Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Kids Activities - Disney Planes

Date:  Nov 12, 2013

There are two websites link you can download the activities from.

Paper Planes:  http://www.wdistudio.com/PLANES/PLANES_dad.pdf (click here and print)

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Colouring:  http://www.wdistudio.com//PLANES/PLANES_coloring.pdf (click here and print)

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Kay Kay has no  school for this two days.  Mommy is away on a business trip to US.  (yes, again)

So, daddy has to find some activities for the kids.

Let’s do colouring.

There I drew a nice little Dusty for Kay Kay.  That’s hard work.

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And Kay Kay started to colouring it.  (on a rough table surface).

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So, I thought why can I find something from the web that has the colouring printing so that I don’t have to draw it.

So, google for less than a minute.   This showed up.  So, I printed it out for Kay Kay.  So, later when I go to work, he can continue do the colouring.

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He loves colouring.

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At the same time, I found this.  Let’s make paper planes too.

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When you print it out, it is a colourful paper with folding lines.

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Simply follow the instructions… 

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And you get yourself a Dusty.

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Most kids loves paper planes.  Kay: “I have Bulldog”.

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Some planes are sharp.

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So, make sure they DO NOT throw a paper plane at another person, animal or object.

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Kay Kay is very happy with his 6 planes.

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And he still doing colouring of his Dusty.

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Best of all, it’s FREE.  Watch out!  Make way for the planes.

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Happy Kids indeed.

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