For 9 months we have countlessly exposing Jay to the concept of having a little brother... Concepts such as "Sharing", "you are now a big ko-ko (brother)... It is important to create that very first bonding, from the elder to the younger...
This is one of the thing that we taught him... his old car seat is going to be inherit by his little brother - baby "K" (to be born). So, get it out, ask him to clean it, help to reassemble it, and wala... his old car seat, if he can remembers it...
not convince yet? Then, you ask him to try to jump into the car seat and see what happen, wow.. it is way too small for him now, and he is stuck... what happen? you have grown larger, and now become a big ko-ko liao... so, this car seat have to passed to baby K, and let him enjoy the seat.. so that the car seat can protect him also...
Immediately, he understand... so, make sure you make a small video funny video clips so to remind him that... he is too big for that... hahahaha....
concept learned...
- going to gave a baby brother
- car seat is for baby brother
- car seat used to be mine, but I have grown up
- must take care of baby brother
- must share share with baby brother
- no why because you simply are big ko-ko
Job done... now, we have done this for the baby bed, we have done this for the baby seat, the next thing that we almost forgot is breast feeding... let me think how to convey that.. hahahahaha must be a very genius way... and he will immediately understand...
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