Date: June 6, 2013
[Updates on Sep 20, 2103]
After spending almost 8 hours under the hot sun, I become a red lobster.
HaHaHa, I think I have experience severe sunburn. I did not know this until I look at myself from the mirror.
Wow, a darker Ken.
So, since the more severe part is both of my arms, let's try two different cream on my hand.
On my left hand (a bit more severe than the right hand), I apply this super cream I bought from Taiwan.
On my right hand, I apply my usual sunburn cream / lotion, which is the Aloe Vera Gel.
30 minutes later.
My left arm felt much relieve and it is not oily, not heaty.
As for my right arm (applied Aloe Vera Gel), seems like the Aloe Vera is doing protection, but not fixing it. Still can feel slight warm on the skin.
So, I asked my wife to clean away all the Aloe Vera Gel as I found that the super cream from Taiwan is effective. This is a cream to use when you burn yourself.
From another angle.
However, the super cream although is good, but it is very hot and spicy. When it applied onto your skill, it has the very cooling and spicy effect.
I forgot about it and I asked my wife to apply some on my neck as well.
And you probably can guess, OUCH. Very pain and spicy sensation. Not nice.
But it fix the skin much faster. 忍!
===== Original Article on Jun 6, 2013 =====
We bought this cream in 清境. In the place where we pluck and eat the peach.
I must say, it is the most effective mosquito cream ever.

If you beaten by mosquito. And you have not scratch it. Then, you apply some of this cream, guarantee within 1-2 hours, the swollen will be gone.

This is the brand.

It is called 黄花雪莲霜.

The kids were playing at the play ground on the last day.

And Jay Jay's leg got beaten by mosquito. I think each leg got beaten more than 10 times.

So, the mosquito sucked so many time from his legs. The whole leg are swollen.

Not to worry, after applying the cream, it is not that itchy. And by the time we got on to our plane, all the swollen is gone.

As good as new.

- Posted using BlogPress from my new iPad
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